Fresh Pasta Dough

Everyone should try to make fresh homemade pasta at least once in their life. But please keep in mind if you make it, cook it and eat it immediately, you’ll be ruined forever for the store-bought variety. Make sure that when you deiced to make pasta you give yourself the time to enjoy the process and don’t rush it.

Quality ingredients is the key to this recipe, actually, the key to any great recipe. Eggs, I prefer pasture raised and grass fed. The yolk should be bright orange which will give your pasta that rich and vibrant color. Flour, Italian “00” Flour (doppio zero) is ideal but I have made pasta many times with all-purpose light baking flour and it turns out beautiful every time.

The consistency of the dough is something that may change each time you make fresh pasta dough, as there are so many different factors that affect the consistency. If your dough seems too wet add some additional flour a little at a time until you are happy with your product. It your dough is too dry add olive oil.  

Fresh Pasta Dough

  • Servings: 1lb
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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500g “00” Flour
1t Sea Salt
275g Egg yolks
1 Whole egg
25g Olive Oil
30g Whole milk


Shift the salt and flour onto a clean work surface, marble works best, and make a mound with a well in the center.
Pour the eggs yolks, whole egg, milk and olive oil into the middle of the well. Gradually mix the egg mixture into the flour using a fork, pulling down the sides a little at a time. If the dough is too wet add a little flour. If the dough is too dry add a little olive oil until you achieve the right consistency.
Once the dough is well combined begin kneading. You can use a KitchenAid with a dough hook or knead it by hand, 5 minutes.
Cover the dough with plastic warp and let rest for a minimum of 1 hour.
Cut and roll as desired.
Tip: When rolling out your dough pass it through the same setting 3 to 4 times. This will result in silky smooth pasta.

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